Showing 1–24 of 28 results

The future reflects by Marcel Delmotte

Mutation by Marcel Delmotte

Le paradis terrestre by Marcel Delmotte

Les amazones by Jef van Tuerenhout

Battle on the Centaurs by Franz von Stuck

The Tribute Money by Titian Vecellio

Christ Carrying the Cross by Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli

Portrait of a Lady by Alessandro Allori

Madonna Lactans by Raphael Santi Workshop

The Adoration of the Child with young John the Baptist by Sandro Botticelli

Saint John the Evangelist, mourner half-length by Anonymous follower of Pietro Lorenzetti

The Penitent Magdalene by Stefano Magnasco

Mountain landscape with travellers by Marten Ryckaert

The Adorations of the Kings by Dionisio Fiammingo

Allegory of the winter by Pieter Huys

Madonna Lactans by Masters Gold Brocade

Madonna in Glory by Pieter Paul Rubens Workshop

Landscape with a hunting scene by Alexander Keirincx

The Prophet Nathan denounces King David by Jan Adriaensz van Staveren

Garland of fruit by Willem Gabron

Portrait of a Boy by Jacob van Loo

Joseph and Potiphar’s wife by Jan Marienhof

Gamblers by Paulus Constantin La Fargue

Portrait of Count Alexei Pavlovich Ignatiev by Boris Kustodiev